
The sensual and passionate ballet is choreographed by the Czech choreographer Jiří Pokorný.. Carmen, José, and Micaele, who is given the name Lady M in this ballet, are essential in the story. Sunny 19th-century Spanish Sevilla is replaced by a night club of the contemporary industrial city, but the dramatic tension is not lost, quite the opposite….

“Carmen” has won the Thalia award for the best production of the year in 2023.

May 2022

  • Choreographer: Jiri Pokorny

    Performers: Arika Yamada & Adi Amit

    Muscical arrangements: Davidson Jaconello

    Lightdesign: Loes Schakenbos

    Costume-design : Marek Cpin

    Sounddesign: Jorg Schellekens

    Video registration & trailer: Tommy Pascal

  • Not on stage pictures by Loes Schakenbos - the onstage pictures by the theater - Serghei Gherciu


Oh Girl


Our Arms Grew Together