Oh Girl

What happens when the curtain falls, the spotlight goes out, the camera stops and the apartment door closes behind us.
OhGirl! is a journey, an intimate outtake on the essence of anxiety, questioning the weight that we sometimes carry on our shoulders. An experience that reminds you of all the times you felt not enough. Anxiety is like a human mechanism that helps us survive, we are born as vulnerable animals, and worrying is supposed to be our superpower… but when we worry too much every day, that anxiety upraises and shadows us, inhibiting our daily flow. You feel in trouble, our thoughts overflooding, everything gets louder inside, and it feels like an internal fight, a battle against yourself. 

“Visually OhGirl! was very satisfying with Loes Schakenbos taking much of the credit with her lighting.”

 “This is a tour de force performance by Ms Yamada, both physically and emotionally.”

Review: Arts Talk Magazine – Michael Hasted

October 2022

  • Director: Antonin Rioche

    Performers: Arika Yamada & Adi Amit

    Composer: Lisa Harres

    Lightdesign: Loes Schakenbos

    Costume-design : Jan-Jan van Esche

    Sounddesign: Jorg Schellekens

    Video registration & trailer: Tommy Pascal

  • On this page all pictures by Loes Schakenbos


We are doing great

